Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Why is it that when I try to speak a foreign language, my tempo slows?

My eyes are beginning to stay closed a little longer than they should. Her words gurgle on, a constant monotone stream of words, like thechanting of an Orthodox church. She perfectly transposes the rhythm,tone, and musicality of her speech onto English words. Not everything is understandable, but it does not matter, just keep to the beat. Like dance teachers have told me, even if you are lost, just keep moving.
"Wait," I say, and slowly ask, "Did you fill out an application for this job?" trying to emphasize each word.
"No, if you call, I go, need the number, call my son, someone else."
"So no, you did not fill out an application."
"Someone else…"
"Someone else filled out an application for you?"
"Yes, but they said, jobs in, clean I, need for to call job coach, here is number, call tomorrow."
She hands me a scrap of lined paper with a 617 number on it.

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